Tuesday 5 February 2013

Collywood Reality

There was a farmar who had a Horse & a Goat one day the horse became ill & had to call the vet.

Vet saw the horse & told " he has got a virus", need to take medicine for 3 days , if he does not get better, we need to put him down ( kill him).

Goat was listening to the conversation, he said to the horse, be strong my friend & get up , else they will put you to sleep.

2nd day the horse was given meicine, goat came back & said , come on buddy get up, you can do it else ur going to die. I will count 1,2,3 &  will get up...but in vain.

3rd day Vet saw the horse, gave him the medicine & told the farmer, if he does not get up today, the virus will spread ,so we need to put him to sleep tommorrow.

Goat motivated the horse, listen pal it's now or never, slowly get up I will help you, you can do it. I will count 1,2,3 & u have to get up.

Suprisingly the horse got up & started to run with motivation from goat.

The farmer was passing by & saw the horse with surprise, he was happy & shouted " It's a miracle, it calls for a party, lets cook the goat".

Moral : Today it oftens happens in workplace, nobody knows which employee actually deresves the merit of success.

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