Monday 11 February 2013

Collywood & Real Life Fact :

I was jogging one day & I found a person in front of me about 1/4 of a mile, I could tell that he was running a little slower than me & I thought , good I shall try to catch him.

So I started running faaster & faster, every block I was gaining on him just a little bit, after just few minutes I was only about 100 yards behind him, so I really picked up the pace & push myself, I thought I was running the last leg of olymics sprint.I was determined to catch him.

At last I went ahead of him & had a feel good factor in me, ofcourse the other person did not even knew that we were racing.

After I passed him , I realised that I was so engrossed & focussed in competing against him that I missed the turn where I had to go a way behind, & so I had to go all the way back.

This is reality which often happens with us, we are to focussed in competing with co-workers, neighbours, friends, family etc trying to prove we are more successful or important.

We forget that God has given us our destinies, but still we spent our time & energy in focussing on competing.

Still someone will be better than you in terms of job, careers, money etc etc.

We become insecure since we pay too much attention.

There is no competition in destiny, run your own race & wish others well.

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