Tuesday 28 May 2013

Collywood Reality

A manager from top ranks met with a road accident & died.

His soul goes up & he finds God waiting for him.

God tells him that he was done is deed on earth & hence he wants to give him 2 choices of heaven & hell.

God tells him to go in the lift so that he can see the hell first.

The manager goes in the lift which takes him down down down to hell.

On reaching hell he sees good scenary, green grasses & party going on , when he gets near the party he find his past collegues & friends dancing & singing happily & enjoying the host of food & drinks, he also joins him & enjoys the same.

Now god asks him to visit the heaven

he again climbs the lift & goes up up up to heaven.

he enjoys the entire day playing harp with good atmosphere & scenery, enjoys best of food also.

God then asks him his choice....the manager promptly replies Hell.

The god tells him to board the lift to hell.

The manager climbs the lift & goes down down down to Hell.

When he reaches hell he finds barren land, worst of climate & people in torn rags.

Man get disappointed & shouts at god that he had cheated him.

God answers
yesterday we were recruiting you
today you are an employee !!!

Collywood Rocks !!!

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