Friday 18 May 2012

Get in !!!

This is a case of an executive who found himself unemployed when his company went through downsizing.

 When he asked "Why me", the manager who was this young person's superior explained that he was more of conservative kind in the way he did his job, the world is getting competitive, there are people in the organisation who look at things in a different angle, they take risks & when they take risks they know they will succeed, also your belief & attitude towards work & culture does not match with the expectations.

The executive tried to find jobs but was unsuccessful, then one day he met a retired circus tight rope walker, this two people had one thing in common, they had plenty of time on hand....the executive practised with him & become an accomplished tight rope walker.

He became so successful that the circus was invited to be televised at a charity event to be held at Niagara Falls.
The executive also invited his former boss for the same.

All went well with the event wherenin the executive walked on the tight rope with a wheel barrow.

"you can do it if you believe you can " said the former boss after congratulating the executive for his work.

The executive asked : do you believe that I can ?

the former boss said : ofcourse my dear, that's what I told , take risk when you believe you can deliver.

okay said the employee to his previous boss..."then get in the wheel barrow".

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