Friday 11 March 2016

Collywood Tiger

Lady to Santa: your doggy looks like a tiger, what do you feed him ?

Santa: He was a tiger , His face look like a dog since he started running for career growth,  increment & promotion.

Collywood Rocks !!!

Collywood Increment !!!

Employee: Sir, I haven't linked my account to Aadhar. But I still got gas subsidy...!!!

HR department: that's not the gas subsidy. That's your increment...!!

Collywood Rocks !!!

Collywood Dice ...

HR during increment gave dice to employee & said:  If you get 1,2,3,4,5 No increment for you

Employee asked: and what if  6 comes ?

HR: I suppose you have never played 'LUDO' will get a change to roll the dice again.....

Collywood Rocks !!!!