Friday 26 October 2012

Collywood Reality - Balancing

How do you balance your work life & personal life ?

You have to work professionally & not personally to balance the same.

If you want to balance both the lives, work by mind & not by heart.

Collywood Rocks !!!

Thursday 18 October 2012


Collywood Reality :

We are so fascinated by the words Sir, Boss etc, that we fail to realise whether these words are from Heart or just from Mouth.

Collywood Rocks !!!

Friday 12 October 2012

Today's time

Bosses talks now that "Fast & Furious wins the Race" but they always do not talk about , fast & furious are prone to accidents.

Since they want to go up the ladder in a Lift instead of climbing the stairs.

Collywood Rocks !!!

Collywood Interpretation

When your boss says "Think out of the box"

It means...

Business is not happening inspite of everything, beg, borrow or steal do what ever it take to get business.

Collywood Rocks !!!