Wednesday 27 June 2012

Learning ...

It is told that everyone learns much from Life & Nature....

I Presume they have not worked in Collywood...otherwise the terminoloy would be "Bosses".    ;)

Wednesday 6 June 2012

God's still finding.

There was this executive who was hardworking, full of zeal & enthusiasm, his boss always motivated him to do more, supported him on every front, fought with management for his growth, did not play politics & was not self centered.
.then one day.....
nothing happened.
God came to earth to fund such type of boss.

collywood rocks !!!

Management's job

Employee : Sir, how are the targets distributed ?
Senior : you do not think that, that's management's job.

Employee : R we sticking to the values & mission of the company ?
Senior : you just do what is told, don't think, that's management's job.

Employee : Sir, How I will achieve this target ?
Senior : um........ start thinking , that's not management's job.


Collywood reality

When you talk you are showing ATTITUDE.

when your seniors talk the same thing, they have logic behind it.

Moral : Do not use your brains before your senior does.

Collywood Fundas_New & Old

Collywood old funda : to go up in your life, u need to have patience & climbs the stairs one by one.

Collywood new funda : Why climb the stairs , when escalators & lifts are available.

Truth :
People do not know escalators & lift can stop anytime in between.